What Is The Gerber Format For Motherboard Design

Long before it ever accesses the Internet or zings emails across the Web, a computer’s brain must be designed and built. Starting from the beginning, there is a circuit board, which can be broken down in to much smaller pieces. The first is a layer of a non-conductive material. Usually this level is crafted from glass-reinforced epoxy, known as FR-4. It is flame resistant, inexpensive, and has extremely low conductivity. This layer is then laminated with copper (or another metal), creating a conductive surface.

The Layers of a Circuit Board

After the FR-4 and copper laminate, the rest of the circuit board can be constructed. A less-expensive circuit board is single sided, meaning a single base layer with metal sheeting only on one side. These single-sided boards are easier to work with, and it’s how most hobbyists prefer to start. Although they can be easier to manufacture and understand, they can be more trying to design, as there’s only one plane to work with, and there can be no crossed connections without external jumpers.

Double-sided boards are more expensive, but come with the ability to expand designs, and create a complex circuit board. A double-sided board allows creators to cross electrical circuits without external jumpers. It’s also much more cost effective and reduces the amount of design work and tedious drawing and redrawing. More room simply means more space to lay out the connections needed.

As designs become more and more complex, it’s necessary to have more layers to the board. These models are usually reserved for extremely complex models with a large number of signal paths or if the designers is aiming for an incredibly compact circuit board.

Copper traces are the most important part of a design and are created by removing the conductive copper laminate from the non-conductive material beneath. This creates negative space around the trace, which is the remaining copper laminate.

The last important component to a circuit board is the via. They are used in multi-layer boards to connect one board to another. There are three types of vias, including:

* Through hole—The most common type of via, where a hole is drilled up through the entire click now and then electroplated so that it is conductive.

* Blind—A blind via is used in complex designs with two or more layers to connect a surface layer to the next layer without going through all the layers.

* Buried—Buried vias are similar to blind vias but only connect internal layers.

Creating a Circuit Board

Whether for a new computer built from a kit or inside the latest smartphone, a circuit board is a necessary step in creating the brain of an electronic. Crafted from fairly simple materials, these innovative creations are becoming easier to design, faster at processing, and more fun to create. For the home enthusiast or high-production companies, understanding the layers and materials of a circuit board will make design and manufacturing that much easier.

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